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Starting the Erlang Process

  1. Navigate to the project directory and install deps :

    cd examples/erlang-bridge/src

    yarn install
  2. Replace RPC_URL in sdk.js with the actual RPC URL and set the chain parameter to which chain you want to connect:

    const rpcProvider = createPublicClient({
    chain: mainnet,
    transport: http('RPC_URL'),
  3. Start the Erlang shell:

    rebar3 get-deps && rebar3 compile
    erlc main.erl
    erl -pa _build/default/lib/*/ebin
  4. In the Erlang shell, compile the main module:

  5. Start the Node.js process from Erlang and get the port:

    {ok, Port} = main:start().
  6. Define the parameters and call the get_rewards_from_chain function:

    Params = [
    {<<"address">>, <<"0x">>},
    {<<"stepBlock">>, 10000},
    {<<"back">>, {<<"days">>, 1}}

    Result = main:get_rewards_from_chain(Port, Params).
    • address: Ethereum address for which to retrieve rewards.
    • stepBlock: Max blocks in 1 query - depend on the RPC capabilities and pricing plans
    • back.days: Number of days to step back.